Special Times

mumof2_boys, special times


I love those moments in time when I sit and watch the boys having fun with their dad and it’s times like that when I think my heart might explode.

Dads just seem to have such a different way of playing and making fun and it’s lovely to be a spectator. I often catch the boys having a game of ‘throw the paper ball into the coal bin’ or in the case above ‘throwing the pebble into the sea’. Along the way they modify the games and fine tune to ‘throw the pebble to hit the middle of the wave’ and it’s hours of fun doing just that.

And so for those reasons – this is my #magicmoments for this week



Also joining up with #MondayClub from http://thevoiceofsarahmiles.com/ and http://diaryofthedad.co.uk

26 thoughts on “Special Times”

  1. Lovely father-and-sons shot! I think the fact that us dads are secretly a bit like children ourselves helps with the playing side of things at least. We love throwing things and pushing each other around! 😉

  2. Such a fabulous photo! I love watching mine play with their Dad – they don’t get to spend much time with him during the week with him being at work so weekends are really special for them all!

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