There’s something special about Autumn

Chestnut, mumof2, mum of 2, magicmoments, autumnI know that for many people, the signs of Autumn are unwelcome. It means that the lovely long Summer days have come to an end and that the long cold nights are on their way.

I have to admit…I love Autumn for a variety of reasons really.

I love…

  • the gorgeous warm colours of yellows, oranges and reds as the leaves change and the sun rise and sun sets can be appreciated through the leaves.
  • picking the blackberries straight from the bush and it makes our bike rides so much more fun for this
  • the boys having loads of fun in the newly formed puddles from the rain and that it’s not too cold for them to enjoy being soaked
  • thinking back over the things we did in the Summer and wondering what next Summer will bring
  • fleeces and jeans! Anyone who knows how I love these 2 items of clothing!! Autumn means it’s perfect weather to wear them again
  • watching people searching for conkers (old and young I might add!)
  • the excitement that Christmas is not too far around the corner

I could go on but will stop at those for now and just carry on enjoying the Autumn whilst it lasts.



29 thoughts on “There’s something special about Autumn”

    1. Ah – but as long as there is a warm bath/shower after being out in the wet, soggy puddles? We had it last year where we said to the boys that they could get as wet at they liked on Christmas day – only to get back home and discover that the boiler had locked out and there was no hot water. But they had fun nonetheless x

    1. The throwing of leaves is up there on my favourites – and if by chance I get to capture it on camera it always somehow shows the fun and happiness it brings x

    1. We had a pj day yesterday which was so lovely to just be forced to relax. I popped lamb shanks into the slow cooker for the first time ever too – thank you for stoppnig by x

  1. I’m completely with you here! I love, love, love Autumn! I’m not a huge fan of the hot weather so when it starts to get cooler I love getting wrapped up in a big cosy jumper. And as for Christmas coming, what’s not to love!
    Mummy of Two recently posted…The magic of Christmas…My Profile

  2. I’m one of those summer lovers. Living in Seattle, Fall brings dreary, cloudy, rainy days. However, as you say, there is just something special about autumn. I too like the fall colors and the cozy clothes! I also feel like autumn helps me get on a real schedule since the kids are in full school mode, days have routines, and no more late night neighborhood kid parties! Stopping by from Motivational Monday.
    Kim {Stuffed Suitcase} recently posted…Free Vacation Budget Planner PrintableMy Profile

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