Double trouble in our house sometimes comes in the form of our 2 boys but other times, it’s our girls (aka the dogs!)
I am not sure which is worse at times; I seem to learn a lot from the boys to help explain a few things about the girls and vice versa. The whole buying two of the same toys but they both demand to play with just the one – I haven’t quite figured it out yet.
What I have figured out is when they know they are in trouble. The dog on the left is pretending life is dandy and that they haven’t done anything to cause suspicion. The dog on the right however, knows when it is a good time to give up the game and just say sorry (sort of!)
So their new nice cosy bed became a heap of pulled cotton and shreds of material. Was I highly irritated that they didn’t approve of their new bed to make it last much longer than a week? Probably.
Do we still love them and those guilty faces? Absolutely! Do we love the fact that they have such different characters? Yes we do! And…Their old bed has been washed and dried now that they are glad to have it back.