Definition of a chicken (according to Oxford Dictionaries ) is :
Noun : A domestic fowl kept for its eggs or meat
Mass noun : Meat from a chicken as in roast chicken OR
informal A game in which the first person to lose their nerve and withdraw from a dangerous situation is the loser: he was killed by a car after he lay in the road playing chicken
Adjective : Cowardly: I was too chicken to go to court
Verb : Withdraw from or fail in something through lack of nerve: the referee chickened out of giving a penalty
And there are a host of chicken-related phrases that they have too…
The above chickens are the ones that are at our local village school and they provide a variety of entertainment and opportunities for discussion on our walk home or on the weekends when it is our turn to tend to them.
The lastest discussion is what caused me to go and find the definition of a chicken. The boys were chatting about food and we somehow got to the part where ( I generalise in my food ingredients here) sausages are made from pigs, hamburgers are made from cows and chicken is made from chickens. (Brave subject with a 7 & 5 year old!)
The youngest declares that we do not eat chickens! So the eldest pipes up, very officially, that we do and went through the what is made from which animal part of the discussion again- by which time we were home.
I haven’t yet seen the side effects of the conversation, nor has it cropped up again. So for the moment, I sigh with relief and carry on cooking the sausages, chicken etc.